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Cyber-crime is an emerging global threat and cyberattacks are getting increasingly sophisticated. At the same time, there is a national deficit in the highly skilled cyber-security workforce needed to secure the nation’s cyber infrastructure. Thus, it is a national imperative to develop new and diverse talent with cutting-edge skills and abilities to respond to emerging cyber threats. This project develops such talent through the infusion of research in undergraduate curricula enabling knowledge development in cybersecurity, machine learning, ng, quantum computing, and forensic examination of emerging technologies. Through the curricula, the project builds research capacity at a minority-serving institute, preparing student researchers to collaborate with faculty on cutting-edge research and creating generations of highly trained graduates. The main novelty is in drawing on existing STEM-focused undergraduate programs, while also casting a wider net to draw in untapped talent by creating a Cyber Bridge from degree programs such as criminal justice, criminology, and humanities, to a Master’s degree in Digital Forensics and Cybersecurity. By expanding the talent pool to draw from, this project also creates opportunities for multi-disciplinary research.

This project creates a research-intensive 5-year BS-MS program to prepare undergraduate researchers to contribute to cyber-security research through early immersion into a research methods course and research enhanced 300 and 400 level classes. The five-year curriculum includes multiple intensive tracks and a Cyber Bridge program that permits students from non-STEM disciplines to make smooth transitions to the third, fourth, and fifth years of the BS-MS program. The Cyber Bridge will attract and quickly integrate talented individuals who would otherwise be discouraged from pursuing cyber-focused education/research. The work planned in this project will build curricula that infuse research preparation and research into upper-division and specialized courses so students can be trained, supported, and mentored for research.

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